- October 10, 2024 (5mo ago)

The education trap

- it's a "15 mins read" blog.

Finally i figured out...

Ignore the fact that am just "18 y/o" kid while you reading this blog.

Importance of education 📖

Over 12.97 million youngsters in India are currently out of school. While we're talking about the educational system, there's a large number kids who have no education and have no idea how to read or write.

It's not new to us. We've all known this since we were in our school.

The education system 🏫

Before we start i want you to do a quick research about who started this education system, when and why.

In India we never had a culture of going school and reading books appearing for exams.

If you focus on Indian history and vedas you will notice we were used to have "GURUKULS". Where are they now?

Here the change begins

Gurukuls VS Modern Schools


What you think which one teaches you more skills instead of making labours?

Prussian education system

Why this system was created?

Inshort the Prussian education system was admired for its efficiency in producing a disciplined, literate, and productive workforce, which aligned with the needs of an "industrializing" society.

They aimed to create a literate and educated citizenry that could meet the growing administrative and industrial needs of the state. Basic literacy, math, and vocational skills were taught to ensure that individuals were productive in the job market.

How the Prussian system shaped British education?

During the Industrial Revolution, Britain adopted similar principles to educate a growing urban population that was moving away from agrarian lifestyles into industrial jobs. The British government increasingly took control of education through the Education Act of 1870, also known as the Forster Act, which laid the foundation for compulsory schooling and government oversight, reflecting Prussian ideas of standardized education.

As Britain industrialized, the demand for literate workers capable of reading instructions, operating machines, and managing accounts grew. The British education system, influenced by Prussia.

Colonial Period (1858 - 1947)

The British introduced a formal school system based on the Western model, focusing on English and modern subjects.

"Which led to a decline of traditional systems."

The English Education Act of 1835 marked a profound shift in Indian education. By prioritizing English and Western knowledge, it devalued traditional Indian educational systems and created a new class of English-educated Indians who were crucial to the functioning of the British Empire.

Current impact of this system

So now you know how this idea of so called "Education System" emerged. And still do you think this system will help you to full-fill your dreams? Are you still confident what your learning from this system will help you grow, achieve your dreams.

"Or you just wanted to secure a bare minimum package with 10% increment yearly"

Still we are having TIER1,TIER2 and TIER3 colleges. Still we are having the system of state level education. Because after Independence the government needed employees and britisher already introduced this "Education Trap" to make you the next job seeker. And now you are on that path my friend.

A degree is all you need?

I heard this a lot that you can't skip schools, colleges because if you don't have a degree you will not get a job. People really mean it when they say it. Yes a degree is all you need my friend only if you want to be a job seeker, only if you want to be an employee, only if you are ready to spoil your dreams and only if you are ready to advice this same path to your child.

In real if you are passionated about your work and you have the right skills you will end up getting a job with out even a degree. The "degree certificate" was introduced to make the government work easier and hire a bunch of factory workers quickly. And now a days you don't even having that much government job openings just think about that. And at the end you end up being a private worker.

Skills over degree

In this whole process of making factory worker 99% of us don't even know what skills they have or what are they passionated about. They never got a chance to interact with this real world market.

So just move around and see what people are doing and what you really wanna do in your life. What thing is that which can give you the potential to achieve your dreams. And that is your skill.

If you are skilled then always focus on your skills and keep improving. A degree can't stop you from achieving your goals.


More over we know the history, how this all happened and all. Now it's your work to "escape this rat race" of job seekers. And find your way by your own. Look at all those big minds and see them how they are different from us.

Thanks for hearing me out, correct me if am wrong somewhere.